Webit IoT Hackathon

The Webit Internet of Things Hackathon is for developers who are interested in building relationships to technology platforms, gaining knowledge on a number of topics, from operating systems and APIs, to app stores and monetisation or designing software for devices and consumer electronics.

This year's Webit IoT hakathon is the mighty arm of the LoF Summit, giving one time experience and opportunities to the partners, the speakers and attendees to dive into a fusion of technology with local and global companies from Europe, Middle East, Africa and Asia.

The perfect location of Istanbul makes the IoT Hakathon of GWC an easy hub for people from three continents to join and brainstorm their creativity.

Co-located with the IoT Stream of the two day agenda, the hackathon gives a perfect opportunity for developer, app builders and tech giants to collaborate.

Great minds think alike...


To develop an “Everyday IoT“ real time application for a Bluetooth Low Energy accessory with sensors and Beacon functionality.


It is allowed to form and work in teams or as individuals. Designers could also register for the hackathon as part of a team.


The hardware used for this project is the CC2541 Sensor Tag Development Kit from Texas Instruments. The developers will be provided the kit at the day of the event.

Developer Package

Participants will have the choice to develop for the following platforms: iOS, Android, MAC or PC. A link to a complete ‘Dev Package’ will be provided to all participants on the morning of October 1st. This package will contain:

  • Examples and some source code for mobile application development: Sensor data format; Bluetooth Low Energy connectivity
  • Links to APIs and SDKs: Android, iOS Cocoa, Microsoft .net, C#,JavaScript: Node JS, Socket IO, Web RTC


Developers will be provided with several APIs: An API for iOS connectivity to the Sensor Tags and real time data streaming. A REST API in order to access Sensor Tag data from a MySQL database.

By retrieving historical data from the database, teams will be able to work on application/service development and communication in parallel.

They will also be able to register each tag onto the Concirrus web based platform to verify that they are streaming Sensor Tag data correctly.

App implementation

The use of both sensed data and beacon functionality will be encouraged.

The use of Open Source components will be allowed.

Developers must bring their own mobile devices or personal computers.

In order to be compatible with BLE, needed versions are:

  • iOS: iPhone 4S and newer
  • Android: Android 4.3 and newer
  • Windows: GATT API available for Windows 8.1

Participants will be able to bring their own stuff additionaly to complement the “Hackagear”provided. Some examples are: Smart light bulbs, boxes, umbrellas, espresso machines, heart rate monitors, shoes, cameras, LEDs, electric motors, locks, etc.

Judging criteria

1st of October: Participants describe their app in 140 characters

2nd of October: 30 seconds App demo video posted (YouTube)

The jury votes on a scale of 1 to 10 for each of the Top 10 apps for Criteria: Innovation, user interface, shortest path to market.

A few App ideas

Red DJ

Make a reactive music app based on Hackagear data and music streaming services.

Singing in the Rain

An LED stick (such as Neopixel from Adafruit) you can stick to your window or your umbrella, which changes color depending on the evolution of the barometric pressure over the last 30 minutes.

Fire an SMS

Whenever a user defined condition is met, for example whenever the magnetometer detects metal (Don’t forget rate limiting functionality). Using Twilio service or equivalent.

Shaken not stirred

Determine the perfect temperature and “shaking” duration for oooh aaah cocktails. Connect to a distant database to see/share the best combinations; get coupons (think Beacons...) etc.

Sail away

Send live accelerometer/Gyro/Magnetometer data to the Cloud for improving your tack or gaining a few extra seconds around each buoy and become the new regatta master.

Top Chef

You are responsible for a buffet and must make sure the temperature for each dish stays within the perfect range through the evening.

Climate expert

Send real time humidity, temperature, humidex and barometric pressure and combine it with GPS data for crowd sourced weather services in smart cities. Send a Tweet to your friends when you think it will start/stop raining and have a contest to see who is the best weather forecaster in town.

Green Beacon

Automatically record the date/time at which you water your plants when you get close to them. The smart app will combine plant variety/pot size/ time of year/ humidity/temperature in your apartment (or on your terrace) to let you know ahead of time when your orchid needs watering and the volume of water needed.

Оrganizational partner

Microsoft Concirrus Concirrus

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