Pamir Gelenbe
Webit Speaker, Partner at Hummingbird Ventures
Pamir is a Partner at Hummingbird Ventures and an expert in digital media and e-commerce companies. Pamir serves on the board of Peak Games, MarkaVIP and On Device Research. Pamir speaks fluent English, Turkish and French.
Previously, he co-founded Flytxt, a pioneer in mobile marketing technology in Asia, Europe and the US. Prior to that, he worked at Morgan Stanley Capital Partners, D.E.Shaw and Juno Online Services.
Pamir received his BS in Electrical Engineering Summa Cum Laude from Duke University and a Master of Science in Operations Research from Columbia University. He led the selection committee of two Web/Mobility Tech Tours and is a Mentor on the London Business School's Entrepreneurship program. Pamir is the founder of the Nubridge Venture Summit, an invitation-only event which brings together Turkey's best Internet entrepreneurs and a number of international investors.