Suneel Bandhu

Suneel Bandhu

Webit Speaker, Member of Mumbai Angels


Suneel has worked in the telecommunications business in India in sales, marketing and program management culminating in a COO position. He joined the Tata Group in 1989 as a Tata Administrative Service Officer and worked on Group strategy and new business development during the early part of his career including setting up a joint venture with Bell Canada for wireless telecom services.

Suneel is now an Angel Investor, and a Member of Mumbai Angels – India’s premier Angel Network. He is interested in investing in start-ups in the mobile Internet & apps, m comm, M2M, cloud solutions and mobile gaming businesses.

Organisers: Platinum Media Partners: Gold Media Partners: Silver Media Partners: Supporting by: Platinum Partner Digital Marketing & Innovation Summit; Gold Partner Smart Cities Summit: Gold Partners Digital Marketing & Innovation Summit: Gold Partner Tech Summit: Stream Partners: Hosting Partner: Exhibitors: Under the patronage of: IoT Stream Partner & Startup\'s Pitch Scene Partner: Key Event Partners: Event Technology Partner: Streaming Partner: Party Partner: Gold Partner Smart Cities Summit: Gold Partner New Economy Leadership Summit: Email Marketing Partner: