Campaign Turkey

Campaign Turkey is the newest member of the prestigious family of Campaign UK, Asia-Pacific, Middle East and India.

Campaign UK Magazine, since 1968 is dedicated to celebrating creative excellence in the communications industry whilst putting creativity firmly in a business context and Campaign Turkey, its sister title in Turkey carries on the same mission in Turkey since January 2012.

Campaign Turkey  brings readers news on the latest developments, thought-provoking and timely analysis and informed debate on issues that confront  the industry every month.

Title reaches key decision makers and influencers in media planning and buying agencies, creative agencies, PR agencies, marketing agencies and senior management as well as marketing directors and brand managers in companies.
In addition to covering the latest developments in the industry, Campaign Turkey organises conferences, workshops, awards and discussion platforms for all the stakeholders in the industry to emphasize its role on celebrating excellence in the communications industry.

Platinum sponsor: Platinum Media Partners: Digital Marketing and Innovation Stage Gold Sponsor, eCommerce Conference Gold Sponsor: Digital marketing and innovation stage - Gold sponsor: Free seminars Gold sponsor: Official Transportation Partner: Strategic industry partner: Event technology partner: Streaming partner: Official interpreter partner: PR partner: Print partner: Connectivity partner: Security partner: Webit mobile app: Industry partner: Party sponsor: Organized by: Strategic Event Organizational Partner for Turkey :