Glenn Shoosmith

Glenn Shoosmith

Webit Speaker, CEO of BookingBug

In his previous life Glenn Shoosmith used to write trading systems for some of the world's biggest investment banks. Having become frustrated by the lack of options available when trying to book services online, he gave up life in the city to build a solution to the problem - and in 2009 BookingBug ( was born. Glenn is now CEO of BookingBug, which is a technology start-up based a stone’s throw from London's Silicon Roundabout. BookingBug is the only real-time distributed booking and reservation system that works for all business types – whether they take bookings by the hour, day or week, run events, classes or courses. Designed to fit any business type, BookingBug has now become the booking, reservation, enquiry and scheduling platform of choice for thousands of service businesses around the world.

Platinum sponsor: Platinum Media Partners: Digital Marketing and Innovation Stage Gold Sponsor, eCommerce Conference Gold Sponsor: Digital marketing and innovation stage - Gold sponsor: Free seminars Gold sponsor: Official Transportation Partner: Strategic industry partner: Event technology partner: Streaming partner: PR partner: Official interpreter partner: Print partner: Connectivity partner: Security partner: Webit mobile app: Industry partner: Party sponsor: Organized by: Strategic Event Organizational Partner for Turkey :