As Vice President of Sales EMEA, Henrik Bruun Rasmussen heads up a client team of highly skilled individuals from Agillic Product Management, Engineering and Partner Support. Henrik has a background in loyalty consultancy and prior to joining Agillic, was Director of Loyalty and Card solutions in the Statoil group. With 21 years of experience in Loyalty marketing, Henrik has a extensive knowledge of the value creation process, Strategy, Concept and Execution within 1-to-1 interactive marketing. Henrik joined Agillic to head up the Telecoms solutions practise and is today responsible for Agillic's most ambitious client projects within Telecoms and Retail sectors.
A Telco case study with practical customer lifecycle management examples, a CMO's dream come true
An award-winning case study when it comes to building relationships, the Telia Customer Lifecycle Program is a showcase example of how complex CRM and dialogue programmes successfully deliver results in a market where margins are under pressure churn rates are very high.
Learn how the Agillic Dialogue platform has seamlessly automated marketing communications based on individual customer behaviour, profile preferences and lifestage and gain insight into key steps to achieve marketing success.