Mariya Gabriel

Mariya Gabriel

European Commission / European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth

Bulgarian nationality. Married with one child. 

Commissioner for the Digital Economy and Society
2017 – Present

 Vice-President of the EPP Group in the European Parliament, responsible for Enlargement and Mediterranean Policy
 2014 - 2017

Member of the European Parliament, representing EPP/GERB 
2014 – 2017

  • Member of the Committees AFET, LIBE, FEMM
  • Member  of the Delegation to the Joint Parliamentary Assembly ACP- EU, Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly  of the Union for the Mediterranean, Delegation for relations with the Maghreb and the Arab Maghreb Union, Delegation for relations with the Arab Peninsula

Chief observer of the EU election observation mission in Gabon 

Chief of the EU Election Follow-up Mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo  

Member of the European Parliament, representing EPP/GERB 
2009 – 2014

  • EPP Group coordinator for the Committee FEMM
  • Member of the Committees AGRI, LIBE, PETI, CRIM
  • Member of the Delegation to the joint parliamentary assembly ACP-EU

Chief observer of the EU election observation mission in Democratic republic of Congo

Parliamentary secretary to MEPs from GERB political party within the EPP Group 
2008 - 2009

ATER (Attaché Temporaire d’Enseignement et de Recherche) in IEP Institute for Political Studies, Bordeaux, France 
2004 – 2008 

Master in Comparative Politics and International Relations PhD Academy for Political Science, Bordeaux, France
2002 – 2003

Certificate in Political Science IEP Institute for Political Studies, Bordeaux, France
2001 – 2002 

B.A. in Bulgarian and French Languages in Paisii Hilendarski Plovdiv University, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
1997 – 2001

Degree Secondary French Language School Dr. Petar Beron, Kyustendil, Bulgaria