Janet Naidenova is a graduate in Mathematics from Sofia University „St. Kliment Ohridski“ and in marketing and innovations from “Koichev’s International Business School”. Janet has 25 years of experience in the fields of IT and marketing, 8 of which – in a global FORTUNE 500 company, reaching the posotion of marketing director for EMEA. In 1999 Janet established JNN Consult, the first marketing consultancy agency, specialising in the fields of IT and digital marketing. Jointly with Saga Technology published a “White Paper on IT in SMEs”, „White Paper on the Bulgarian e-Government“, „White Paper on the Bulgarian Telecommunications, Services and Technologies“., „White Paper on Intelligent BMS in Bulgaria“. JNN Consult is also the marketing agency of Gartner for Bulgaria.
Janet Naidenova is marketing consultant of SEED (Southeast Europe Enterprise Development) – a donor organisation of IFC (International Funds Corporation) at the World Bank, won the prize “Best Consultant in SEE”, and ICT marketing expert of the EU. Janet is the first lecturer in Internet marketing at Sofia University, within the Masters programme in e- business. She is also the first ever Master in Guerrilla Marketing, certified via Internet, leading distance learning programmes, member of Guerrilla Marketing Coach International – USA. Janet Naidenova is a member of the Bulgarian Marketing Association, a co-founder of the Association of SME in Bulgaria, chairwoman of the Managing Board at the Bulgarian Web Association (www.bwa.bg) in the period 2006-2007, and chairwoman at IAB Bulgaria (www.iabulgaria.bg) since the stablishment of the association in 2009.