Nedjalko Milenkov

Nedjalko Milenkov

Webit Speaker, Software Developer

Dates (from – to): September, 2010 – Present
Employer: Mobitel EAD
Type of business or sector: Telecommunications Provider
Occupation or position held: Software Developer
Main activities and responsibilities: Development of mobile applications for Android
-    Java
-    PHP
-    Perl
-    SQL
-    C
-    C#

Webit Congress Diamond Sponsor: Silver Sponsor & DevCamp Partner: Main Marketing Stage Gold Sponsor, StartUp Gold Partner, DevCamp Partner & Webit Awards Partner: Main Marketing Stage Gold Sponsor, StartUp Village Gold Sponsor: Digital Marketing and Innovation Stage Gold Sponsor: Diamond sponsor GamesVille: Official Hosting Sponsor: Gold sponsor of StartUp Village, Gold sponsor of Creative Lounge: Gold sponsor Creative Lounge: Diamond Media Partners: Platinum Media Partners: TV Production partner: Silver sponsor: Under the patronage of mayor of Sofia: Organization partner: Event technology partner: Official interpreter partner: PR partner: Strategic partner: With the support of: Catering partner: Organized by: Social media and interactive media partner: