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The development of AI gives us the perspective of smarter machines with greater access to data and expanded network opportunities. Internet connections already are not limited only to laptops, desktop computers and handful of wearable devices.
Just the opposite, IoE is a $19 trillion global opportunity over the next decade. About $14 trillion of the investment will come from the private sector, while the other $5 trillion can be created by cities, governments and other organizations from the public sector.
The main purpose of Webit.Festival is to shape the digital future and IoE will be integral part of every aspects of our lives. During the event you can get knowledge about the best innovations in IoT, SmartHomes, M2M and Wearables from top level speakers.
CEO, Elemental Machines
CEO & Opera Singer and Songwriter, Wurrly
Executive SeVP & CMO EdulLab
Technical Program Manager, Bluetooth SIG
VP & CTO, EMEA, VMware
Partner, IBM Ventures
Founder & CEO, ARX
Chief Software Architect of Quantum Artificial Intelligence Lab, Google
Co-founder, Chair of the Board, ASSIST - Assistive Technologies
Global Creative Director, WSJ. Custom Studios
VP Experience, Sapient Razorfish
Sridhar Iyengar CEO, Elemental Machines
Martin Woolley Technical Program Manager, Bluetooth SIG
Conrad Wolfram Director of Strategic and International Development at Wolfram Research
Norihisa Wada Executive SeVP & CMO EdulLab
Nadine Levitt CEO & Opera Singer and Songwriter, Wurrly
Markus Witte CEO,
Zsolt Robotka CEO & Founder, SignAll Technologies