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Soon after the creation of WikiLeaks and revelations of Edward Snowden Security and Privacy became hot topics worldwide, but according to the business they always were.
As we are living in more and move digitalized world the secured transfers of information are becoming priority for every big company worldwide, and the recent situations in USA only shows that nobody can feel completely safe about his personal and corporate information.
Webit.Festival shows how in the information age data security is quickly becoming one of the most wanted commodities and how thosе who offer it can become the leaders of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
McAfee / Chief Scientist
Co-Founder, Distil Networks
CEO, LSEC - Leaders In Security
Managing Director Threatscape
Head of Unit – Data Security & Standardisation, ENISA
CEO, CUBED Attribution
Founder & CEO, ARX
Chief Cyber Security Strategist, AMATAS
Mark Turell, Founder, Orcasci; CEO & Founder, Vork
Dr. Andreas Mitrakas Head of Unit – Data Security & Standardisation, ENISA
Boris Goncharov Chief Cyber Security Strategist, AMATAS
Raj Samani McAfee / Chief Scientist
Rami Essaid Co-Founder, Distil Networks
Ulrich Seldeslachts CEO, LSEC - Leaders In Security
Dermot Williams Managing Director Threatscape