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Senior Director, Group Digital Strategy, DHL - Global Headquarters
Cristian Citu is based at DHL’s global headquarters where he’s focusing on the design and implementation of the group digital transformation agenda. Previously he’s been managing digital marketing programs as a mix of strategic brand initiatives and lead generation campaigns and he also spent time in Singapore for the Asia Pacific regional office. He joined the yellow logistics giant after a few years in consulting, where he worked with a wide range of customers from industries like IT, telecom, automotive, pharma or retail. Follow him sharing insights on digital transformation at @TheChiefDigital and
About DHL
DHL is the world's leading logistics company present in over 220 countries and territories across the globe. The vast international team of logistics experts provides solutions for an almost infinite number of logistics needs. DHL stands for 'Excellence. Simply delivered.' and it delivers innovative, cost-saving, sustainable and award-winning solutions.