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Liliana Reasor

Liliana Reasor

Founder and CEO of SupraFin

Liliana Reasor is a FinTech / Blockchain entrepreneur, venture capitalist and ex-investment banker with 20+ years of experience in the FinTech and Finance industries. She is the founder and CEO of SupraFin, the first global vetted token platform on the blockchain ( She is heavily involved in the FinTech / Blockchain startup ecosystem in Europe and is considered a FinTech / Blockchain thought leader. She is a regular FinTech / Blockchain speaker, panellist, investment judge and working group member at top global FinTech / Blockchain and finance events. She was selected as one of the Top 100 Global FinTech Women Influencers and Leaders in 2015, 2016 and 2017 by Innovate Finance. Prior to becoming an entrepreneur, she worked in the FinTech and investment banking industries  (M&A, trading, capital markets, and corporate lending) at JP Morgan, Bank of America, Deutsche Bank, Morgan Stanley, and Moody’s Analytics in the US and UK. Liliana has a M.S. in Computational Finance from Carnegie Mellon and an MBA from UCLA.  

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