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Technical Co Founder / CTO
Oliver is a Software Architect and senior Ruby on Rails Developer. An API, Hypermedia and Ruby enthusiast and believes in a future of Plug & Play API's to solve all kinds of problems with software in no time. Learning, sharing and evolving are his main professional goals.
After graduating in Computer Sciences at the HTW Berlin in April 2011 Oliver has worked as a freelancer and completed smaller but frequently used intranet projects for a huge scientific research campus in Berlin. Later on he worked on e-commerce startup projects based on the amazing Spree Commerce engine. In private, he's always keen working on own projects to learn new technologies and expand his range of skills, f.e. interacting with Amazon Web Service cloud products and NoSQL databases.
After many years on Ruby on Rails Oliver's skills include solid knowledge in all common modern frontend and backend technologies of web and mobile technologies, plus a strong understanding of dev team tools, software architecture, hardware configuration and business requirements.