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Prof. Dr. Galina Kurteva

Prof. Dr. Galina Kurteva

Head of the Medical Oncology Clinic, University Oncology Hospital, Sofia

Prof. Dr. Galina Kurteva is Head of the Medical Oncology Clinic at the University Oncology Hospital, Sofia. She has degrees in both Internal Medicine and Oncology. She is experienced medical oncologist with specializations and trainings in European and American centers. She has a number of scientific publications and participations in scientific events as a guest speaker. Prof. Dr. Galina Kurteva is principal investigator in international clinical trials. As a professor in medical oncology she leads training courses for healthcare professionals. She is also Head of the Educational Academy of Oncology in Bulgaria aiming for quality in oncology and public healthcare through further development of professionals. She is an active member of national and international oncology organizations (e.g. American Society of Clinical Oncology, European Society for Medical Oncology).

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