Dr. Ali Hashemi
Health / Life Science Track

Dr. Ali Hashemi

Co-Founder and CEO, meta[bolic] / Two parallel clinical platforms - GluCare.Health and Zone.Health | Evolving models of value based care in the context of metabolic health | Polymath Holdings

Co-founder and CEO, meta[bolic], Ali wears several hats.  Most importantly, heā€™s the father of three children that motivate him to build a legacy that they can be proud of.   His mission today is to help society earn back millions of collective years of health span with better management of metabolic health.

He spends most of his time as the Co-Founder and CEO of meta[bolic], a hybrid health company that runs two parallel clinical platforms - GluCare.Health and Zone.Health.  GluCare was founded in 2020, and is at the cutting edge of evolving models of value-based care in the context of metabolic health, and is currently producing some of the best outcomes in the world for its community of thousands of patients suffering from diabetes and metabolic dysfunction. 

In addition, Ali runs his family office, Polymath Holdings, out of which he and his wife invest in a variety of technology businesses mainly in the healthcare and mobility spaces.
Ali was previously the founder of Amana Healthcare in the United Arab Emirates, which he sold to Mubadala Healthcare in 2018.  He also spends a decade advising governments and institutional investors on healthcare strategy, regulation, and M&A at both Bain&Company and Booz&Company.

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